Acupuncture and Stabilizing Exercises for Pregnant Women with Pelvic Girdle Pain
- About 33% of women will experience severe back pain during their pregnancy.
- Previous low back pain and strenuous work during pregnancy are found to increase a woman’s risk of pelvic pain during pregnancy.
- 10% of women will still experience pain after delivery, which can delay return to work and affect how they care for their newborn.
- Women in this study were between 12 – 31 gestation weeks.
- Acupuncture and specific stabilizing exercises added significant benefit compared to standard treatment, which consisting of patient education, pelvic belts and a basic home exercise program in pregnant women with pelvic pain.
- After one course of treatment the women were re-examined and found to have decreased pain and physical symptoms. This was most notably found in the acupuncture group.
- The greatest reduction of pain measured on a visual analogue scale was for patients who received acupuncture.
- Women receiving only standard treatment did not have any increases or decreases in pain symptoms.
- No serious complications occurred during any treatment session.
- The addition of both acupuncture and specific stabilization exercises was found to be more effective then standard treatment (patient education, basic home exercises and a pelvic belt) for pregnant women with pelvic pain.